Six Incredible Promises from Haggai

Picture of By Ashburnham Place
By Ashburnham Place
Lady by the water reading the bible


Deborah Volunteer

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We are sending our love, prayers and thanks to you all for carrying us in your hearts and prayers, in particular over these last two turbulent years. We are so thankful to Jesus that we are still here and excited about the future. In this increasingly uncertain world, the question we are asking coming out of the last two years is how can we go on being a GIFT into the hurt, pain and uncertainty that so many people are feeling?

As many of you will know when John Bickersteth inherited Ashburnham Place back in the 1950’s the Lord turned his attention to Haggai chapter 2, where we find God speaking to Zerubbabel and Joshua and the people about His house being rebuilt.

I have often wondered why God gave John this chapter? Some of you who knew him well may well know. The chapter is full of promises and truths that were true for Joshua and co back then, were true for John in the 1950’s and are still true for our current tribe carrying this special gift today. For sure God knew we would have difficult times over the years and so in his great wisdom he placed this chapter into the very foundation of the Ashburnham Christian Trust to remind us time and time again of his promises to us.

I hope these 6 promises the Lord has given us through this wonderful chapter of scripture are a great encouragement to you today.

Promise 1 – He is with us

  • v4 “Be strong for I am with you” – Joshua is given the confidence to get on with the job as God promises to be with him. This is the same for us today, we have the undergirding arms of God carrying us and the promise that God is with us. How comforting!.

Promise 2 – His Spirit is with us

  • v5 “My Spirit remains among you, do not fear” Joshua was empowered by the Holy Spirit. John was empowered by the Spirit when he was making huge decisions about Ashburnham Place in the 1950’s. We are empowered by the Spirit today to do the work of God in the strength and power of the Holy Spirit. We are also told we do not need to fear when the Spirit is with us. In our world of great turmoil and insecurity, this is something we can count on.

Promise 3 – His Glory is with us

  • v7 “i will fill this temple with Glory” We know through Jesus revelation in his life, death and resurrection that we are now the temple in Gods sight whom he longs to fill. So we are promised that the glory of God will fill us through Jesus saving work. Let us shine brightly with the glory of God in our hurting world.

Promise 4 – He has everything we need

  • v8 “The silver and gold are mine says the Lord” The Lord has all the resources. He will give us everything we need in our lives at all times. This is certainly a wonderful promise and one I hold on to regularly here at Ashburnham Place. It’s a promise over your life too, he will give you everything you need.

Promise 5 – He is in our future

  • v9 “The Glory of this later temple/house shall be greater than the former says the Lord of hosts” So we rest assured that the Lord is in our future working out his plans and goodness for his Glory. That if we continue down the Lords path incredible things lie ahead. That ultimately will look forward to spending eternity with Father, Son and Spirit and the community of heaven, how exciting!

Promise 6 – His peace is with us

  • v9 “I will give you peace” We can rest in the knowledge that the Lord has and will continue to grant us his peace. I don’t know about you but I certainly will be standing in this promise, how we need to know the peace of Trinity in our heart’s each day.

6 incredible promises for us to stand in today in our own lives. 6 enduring promises that again today we speak and declare over Ashburnham Place and the wonderful tribe of faithful employees, volunteers and friends who serve so beautifully every day. I pray these are true for you today that you know afresh how high and wide and long and deep is the Lords unfailing love for you.

Andy x


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