We believe

Ashburnham Place and its people are a unique gift.  We serve by being a place of refuge and peace for spiritual refreshment and encounter.  We seek to understand and respond generously to the needs of the world around us. 

We are committed to following Jesus and living as a vibrant community that provides excellent hospitality and care to all our guests. We believe that we are a connecting place that helps enable groups and individuals to be radical and bright through all of life.

We want people to be positively impacted as they come in amongst the community here; to encounter God, learn, grow and heal.

Our desire is that Ashburnham Place is a sanctuary.


Ashburnham Place is a place that facilitates excellent theological learning. We encourage theology that embraces the fullness of the everlasting community of the Trinity. The Father who holds all and whose arms of love undergird all. Jesus as the one who redeems all things and reveals the character of God. The Holy Spirit who enlivens, guides and comforts people, communities and nations.

Our theological outlook goes beyond theories and concepts as we embrace and practise living the way of Jesus, in particular how he treated the outsiders and his self-emptying love of others.


Ashburnham Place is a place that facilitates the growth of followers of Jesus. A diverse community where disciples are formed is central to the gift of Ashburnham Place and has been since the Trust was formed in 1960.

We consider discipleship to be the reason we offer hospitality, the reason we explore theology and why seek to live well with our land. We seek to understand who God is, and who we are in Him and how this affects how we live our lives in a world full of need.


Ashburnham Place is a place of abundant land that displays what is possible when humanity, God and land exist in dynamic relationship. Ashburnham Place is not solely defined by the stately buildings at the centre of our 220 acres.

It is among the trees in the woodland, upon the lawns and meadows, around the 3 lakes and in the rich soil of the Walled Garden that the glory of God and this place is experienced.

We aim to demonstrate best practice with our land management; training and helping others to learn how to steward land well in a world facing environmental crisis.


Ashburnham Place is a place of warm welcome that facilitates growth, connection and rest through loving hospitality. We aim to excel in hospitality; offering a warm welcome regardless of status or outward appearance.

We will demonstrate the love of God through the excellence of our food, our bedrooms, meeting and dining rooms as well as all our interactions with our guests.

More ways to support us

If you love Ashburnham Place here are some ways you can get involved.

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Patmos Lodge Guest Bedroom

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Our Accommodation

Get away and stay in one of our comfortable guest rooms. Find time to walk, reflect or join the community during our meeting times.

Oak Dining Room

eat here

Experience dining

Our dining experience is set across four unique spaces, from the historic and beautifully panelled Oak Dining Room to the modern comforts of our Courtyard Dining Room.

The Fernery Meeting Room

Meet here

Meeting rooms

We welcome day groups for meetings and gatherings. We have 9 meeting rooms of various sizes which include audio and visual equipment.

The Library Room Inside

Environment of learning and teaching

Our library is the ideal environment for group teaching and study. The library is a comfortable and light space overlooking Front Water lake.