Greetings from Ashburnham Place.
A Season of Change
We write from a very autumnal and almost wintery Ashburnham Place, the woodland has been through its staggeringly beautiful array of colours and the trees are now beginning to look bare.
As most of you are probably aware Ashburnham Place is cared for by a team of around 100 of us who live and work here; we are a rich mix of young and old, paid staff and volunteer staff all seeking to serve God through the gift of Ashburnham Place. There are also a huge number of people who in one way or another consider Ashburnham Place as a home and generously support, pray for and generally act as an extended family.
Honouring Dr. Roger Mitchell’s Legacy
One part of that extended family are our trustees who volunteer their time throughout the year to help hold and guide the charity. This small group of individuals, through wisdom and prayer, provide continuity for the Trust even as those of us who live and work at Ashburnham Place change and move on. For the last 29 years Dr Roger Mitchell has been one of our trustees and for the last 20 years has served as chair of trustees. It was, therefore, a momentous and significant point in the Trust’s history when Roger stepped back from his role as chair of Trustees in September this year. Roger has helped steer Ashburnham Christian Trust through all sorts of joys and challenges, including the financial challenges after the 2008 crash, the 50th year Jubilee celebrations and choice to suspend our tariff charges for a year, the navigating of Covid and the everyday challenges of ensuring Ashburnham Place continues to be a gift. Roger has done all this with great grace and depth of character; holding in balance the need for vision and strategy with care for the relationships and individuals that enable the gift of Ashburnham Place.
We are hugely grateful to Roger for his time as Chair, for the miles, minutes and ministry that he has gifted to ACT, he has beautifully demonstrated and lived out the Philippians 2 kind of Christlike, self-emptying love on which this Trust is founded.
Looking to the Future
Roger will be succeeded by Rev Ray Djan and Dr Marijke Hoek as they take on the co-chairing the Ashburnham Christian Trust board of trustees into the future, a partnership we couldn’t be happier about or more confident in
As we are grateful for Roger we are also incredibly thankful for each of you and your part in ensuring Ashburnham Place is a gift for many years to come. May you experience the kindness and company of Jesus in your onward journey.
Leave Your Own Legacy
Would you consider leaving your own legacy at Ashburnham Place? Whether through your time, prayers, or financial support, your contribution ensures Ashburnham Place continues to bless future generations.
Learn how you can make a difference by clicking here. Together, we can build on the foundation Roger and so many others have laid.